Shop By Vehicle

Select A Vehicle
Selecting a vehicle from the drop down list below will identify the specific power outlets kits that fit the vehicle. Powerlet offers all four outlet types for almost all motorcycles with this on-line vehicle selector. To find an outlet for non-motorcycle applications please call us at 586-210-0330.
Power Outlet Types
Decide what outlet type is best for your application(s). While more than one outlet can power multiple devices at the same time, it is also common to put more than one outlet on a vehicle. Sometimes this is required for high current loads like passenger heated clothing, or for devices in the front and rear of the vehicle like a GPS (right front) and a heated jacket liner (rear left). The four most common outlets are shown. Consider size, vibration, reliability, ease-of-use, location and how many electrical devices you may wish to power in the future.

Electrical Appliances
Consider what types of appliances you will power now and in the future. The chart below can help clarify which power outlet types are commonly used for each appliance listed.