Warren, Michigan — Feb 05, 2012 — The State Trade and Export Promotion Grant (STEP) Pilot Grant Initiative CFDA# 59.061 will provide grants to states for small business export assistance programs. The aim of the STEP Initiative is to increase the number of small businesses that are exporting and increase the value of exports for those small businesses that are currently exporting. These goals build on the President's National Export Initiative which is working to double U.S. exports and give America a stronger competitive edge in the global market.
With submissions from 46 states, Coliant Corporation was the 7th company approved nationally. Qualified as a Tier 3 company, Coliant is very pleased with the outcome as Tier 3 is the highest level that a company can attain. This three-year pilot trade and export initiative was authorized by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, offering matching-fund grants for states to assist eligible small business concerns to expand global exports.
Adam Bonislawski said, "Coliant is very thankful for all the help and assistance of the SBA and MEDC with special thanks to Jeanne Broad of the US Commercial Services Department."
As a qualified Tier 3 company, Coliant's approval is for the present one year maximum, but the program can be extended up to three years. Funding was created and designed to help qualified Michigan based businesses with:
- Support for small business participation in foreign trade missions and foreign market sales trips
- Subscription to services by the Department of Commerce
- Website language translation fees
- Design of international marketing media
- Trade show exhibitions
- Participation in training workshops
- Other export initiatives determined to be appropriate by the SBA.
This federal project in Michigan will support small business participation in trade shows and trade missions in Brazil, China, Spain, and Germany. It is designed to coordinate, integrate, and expand services currently provided by the state and Federal programs with services delivered by regional and local service providers; government, business, academic and non-profit organizations. Of the 50 states participating, Michigan received the 4th largest program amount, a total of $1,466,978.
The STEP program aligns with President Obama's National Export Initiative. The President's initiative calls for doubling U.S. exports in five years and in so doing, supporting two million jobs. The program provides federal government funding for 65 to 75 percent of program costs, with states supplying the remainder.
Press Contact:
Carl Peterson
Powerlet LLC
NOTE TO EDITORS: For additional information visit Powerlet's PR website, or call Powerlet at 586-210-0330.
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